
Our congregation cannot function without the financial support of its members and friends which is given so generously and for which we are thankful to God.

There are a number of funds to which donations can be allocated (Summarised at the bottom of this page) but if in doubt the General Account is where to give most or all of your donations. However, you can choose to allocate your giving to any or all of our accounts.

Making Contributions

Making a gift of our money to God is an important part of worship. We no longer pass an offering collection basket during our services, but an offering plate can be found at the entrances to the church. This is taken to the front during the service, and a prayer of dedication offered for all the gifts, however made.


Freewill Offering

In West we use a Freewill Offering system.  All giving is recorded through the FWO numbering system to ensure confidentiality which allows people the freedom to give as the Lord leads them.

Use of your Freewill Offering envelope can be by cash or by cheque made payable to West Church, – please include a FWO envelope with your cheque if possible. This can be placed in the offering plate in the entrance to the church before or after services or can be left into the office postbox or the Church Office during working hours.  You can post your Free Will Offering envelope or a cheque, made payable to West Church to West Presbyterian Church, 91 Crawfordsburn Road, Bangor, BT19 1BG. 


Standing Order

Since the changes that came about during the pandemic, our preferred method for giving is by Standing Order/Bank Transfer. You can contribute regularly, temporarily or as a one off donation by Standing Order or Bank Transfer.  Standing Order forms can be downloaded by clicking on the forms provided on this page. 


White Envelopes

If you wish to donate by cash and do not have a Freewill Offering envelope you can still Gift Aid your contribution by using the White Envelopes in the back of the sanctuary seats. If you complete the details on the front of the envelope it will allow the church to reclaim gift aid and increase your contribution by 25%.

Standing Order Forms

Click on a button below to download the PDF form to fill in.

Gift Aid

If you pay tax equal to or more than the amount of Gift Aid that would be added to your contributions, you are eligible for Gift Aid. For example if you donate £100 the Church would be able to reclaim 25% i.e. £25 to add to your donation. You would need to have paid £25 tax to be eligible in this case.


To sign up for Gift Aid you can DOWNLOAD the attached form or obtain a copy from the Church Office. This should then be signed and returned to the office.


If you have further questions please contact the Church Office, 028 9145 9688.

Gift Aid Form

Click on a button below to download the PDF form to fill in.

West Church Accounts

West Church has a number of different accounts which are used for a number of purposes.  If you do not specify which account(s) you would like your giving to go to, we will assume that it is for the main (No1) account.


General Account (No1)

The ‘Freewill Offering’ is used to pay the salaries and general running costs of this large congregation e.g.  gas and electricity, building repairs and maintenance, IT and office costs and lots more. It also funds local outreach and ministries – Youth, Easter Mission, Alphas, CAP and the many pastoral, discipleship and caring ministries.

Development Account (No5)

Is a supplementary account for pastoral staff salaries, first established when West Church was expanding many years ago in order to ensure that pastoral care and spiritual outreach were adequately staffed. It continues for this purpose.

These are the main accounts which finance the ministry and running expenses of the church.

United Appeal for Mission Account (No 3) The UAfM funds the mission and wider work of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. Congregations are given a target contribution each year which is based on their number of members and level of income. Our contributions to UAfM have traditionally been made through special collections at Easter and Harvest. However, there is also the facility to give by monthly standing order as an alternative to the twice yearly special collections.

Mission and Outreach Account (No7)

– supports our members working as missionaries and also, to a small extent, members on short term service projects. This account is also used to collect monies and associated gift aid for onward transmission to specified objects – e.g. Cali, TearFund etc.


Kilcooley congregation still has in place a slightly different system of Freewill Offering envelopes for General purposes, Repair and United Appeal which dates back to before Kilcooley merging with Rathmore Road. This remains in operation. If you would like Freewill Offering envelopes for Kilcooley, please also contact the church office.