“West Church is by no means a perfect church but it is a place where we can explore together the grace and truth of Jesus Christ who came that we might have life in all its fullness.
West offers a warm welcome as we draw people in and make them feel at home. We are a genuine community, caring for one another with a whole hearted commitment to serve together and to acknowledge Jesus Christ in all our ways. Let’s grow deeper together in Him!”
Very Rev. Dr. Charles McMullen
West came into being in the early 1960’s, belongs to the Presbyterian Church in Ireland and is part of the Ards Presbytery. We are a growing congregation of around 1100 families. In West we encourage our members to become actively involved, using their gifts to help others.
There is much more to West than Sunday services and in a large congregation we long for every member to experience fellowship through Home Groups, groups and organisations.
In West we want to be a Church of the Word and Spirit.
Our Core Values are: