Discipleship Groups


 Church Groups

Men’s Groups

 Women’s Groups

Church Groups


Wednesday Morning Fellowship


Each Wednesday around 100 people meet for fellowship, praise and prayer. This is a time of blessing to many of our members who love this additional service where they can worship the Lord. Each week after the service there is a time of prayer. New members are always very warmly welcomed.


Alternate Wednesday mornings at 10.30 am in the Conference Room. 



For more details contact John Elliott via the Church Office on 028 9145 9688






Men’s Friday Fellowship


Each Friday morning a group of men meet for fellowship, teaching, worship and prayer. This group initially started in 1994 with 10 men and today over 100 from all denominations meet each week. From 10.15am tea, coffee and home-made scones are served. The men sit in small groups enjoying conversation. At 11.00am they take part in praise and prayer and listen to different speakers each week. The meeting ends at 12 noon. Why not come along and join us? You are sure to receive a very warm welcome.

CD Library

We have a CD Library available if you missed any Friday meetings or if you would like to share the speaker’s story with your friends. The index of CDs is available at the book library in the Welcome Area. Please contact the Church Office or speak to one of the Men’s Fellowship leadership team to request a copy.


Every Friday mornings from 10.15 am in the Welcome Area and Conference Room.



For more details contact Derek Riddell via the Church Office 028 9145 9688


Men’s Fellowship


On the last Saturday of each month, from September to May a group of men from West, along with many friends, meet to enjoy fellowship. In the best traditions of West this has to involve food, so we of course have to start with a full Ulster fry! After a lot of eating and putting the world to right, we have a guest speaker who will talk with us about a variety of topics. Over the years we have a great group of speakers with a wide range of Christian topics being discussed. Breakfast starts at 8:00am and finishes at around 9:15am which means that after the meeting you still have plenty of the day left for whatever you need to do. The other main event in our calendar is our Annual Men’s Weekend, which for the last few years has been held in White Park Bay Hostel. All welcome!



On the last Saturday of each month at 8:30 am in the Square Centre Kilcooley. Cost is £5 booking is required through Paul Shields. 



For more details contact the Church Office 028 9145 9688

Womens Groups


Presbyterian Women


Presbyterian Women is an organisation for all women within the Presbyterian Church in Ireland (P.C.I.). P.W. incorporates the Presbyterian Women’s Association and the former Young Women’s Group, with a total membership of around 14,000 among 500 groups Presbyterian Women aims to highlight the need for:-

  • Love and Unity
  • Obedience to GOD
  • Local and Global Mission
  • Christian living and spiritual maturity
  • Service using gifts, time and money

A typical meeting incorporates a time of worship and prayer, followed by a visiting speaker – Deaconess, PCI Missionary, Representative from other Christian and Community Groups or sometimes a do-it-yourself evening with Bible Study, Bible basket (sharing our Faith and counting God’s blessing) or a fun night with Quiz or Beetle drive, and ending with a cup of tea and a chat. New members are always very warmly welcomed.



P.W. in West Church meets on the first & third Tuesday each month at 2:30pm from September to April, excluding January, in the Meeting Room just off the Welcome Area.



For more details contact Mrs Maureen Blackmore via the Church Office on 028 9145 9688


Connections Women’s Ministry



 Women’s Ministry in West was set up by Mrs Louise Davidson, during her time here as a Deaconess, introducing new initiatives to ladies of all ages in the congregation. In naming the ministry ‘Connections’, Louise wanted to enable, equip and support women while nurturing their hearts to know God’s Word and follow Christ faithfully. This ministry is also about connecting women with other women for friendship and fellowship and to encourage each other to use our God given gifts to serve Him and those both within and outside the walls of our church.

Keep an eye on the notices sections of the website, church announcement sheet and weekly email for future events.

