In West we use a Freewill Offering system. You can use your Freewill Offering envelope, or make donations by Standing Order. If you would Free Will Offering Envelopes please contact the Church Office, if you would like to set up a Standard Order Form please use the forms below.
Click on a button below to download the PDF form to fill in.
If you pay tax equal to or more than the amount of Gift Aid that would be added to your contributions, you are eligible for Gift Aid. For example if you donate £100 the Church would be able to reclaim 25% i.e. £25 to add to your donation. You would need to have paid £25 tax to be eligible in this case.
To sign up for Gift Aid you can DOWNLOAD the attached form or obtain a copy from the Church Office. This should then be signed and returned to the office.
If you have further questions please contact the Church Office, 028 9145 9688.