Our Policies

The following are a list of our Policies.


These are available for inspection upon request.

  1. Statement of Purpose
  2. Admissions/Waiting List
  3. Equal Opportunities
  4. Settling-In
  5. Confidentiality
  6. Partnership with Parent/Carers
  7. Health & Safety
  8. Procedures for Dealing with Bodily Fluids
  9. Administering Medicine
  10. Data Protection
  11. Destruction of Records
  12. Special Needs
  13. Behaviour Management
  14. Curriculum Planning & Evaluation
  15. Observation, Record Keeping & Assessment
  16. Comments & Complaints/Parents
  17. Comments & Complaints/Staff
  18. Pastoral Care Policies note
  19. Child Protection
  20. Child Protection criteria for staff & volunteers
  21. Child Protection Flow Chart
  22. Reporting Allegations or Suspicions
  23. Intimate Care
  24. Anti-Bullying
  25. Healthy Eating
  26. Healthy Eating Sample Menu
  27. Infection Control
  28. Infection Control Appendix   (Swine Flu)
  29. Infection Control Flow Chart (Swine Flu)
  30. Care in the Sun
  31. Photography
  32. Photography Consent Form
  33. Fire Drill & Evacuation
  34. Fire Drill Procedures
  35. Risk Assessment Statement
  36. Fundraising
  37. Toys & Equipment
  38. Staffing & Recruitment
  39. Induction
  40. Induction Plan
  41. Staff Development & Training
  42. Lone Working
  43. Substance Mis-use
  44. Whistle Blowing/Reporting Form
  45. Whistle Blowing Flow Chart
  46. Lost/Missing Child
  47. Procedure for dealing with bodily fluid
  48. Mobile & Social Networking Policy
  49. Absence of Leader(s)
  50. Redundancy Policy
  51. Smoking Policy
  52. Reporting of Adverse & Untoward Incidences
  53. First Aid/Accident
  54. Play Policy
  55. Participation
  56. UNCRC – Rights Respecting Group
  57. Outings and Transport
  58. CCTV